Sticky navigation menu widget for elementor | the plus addons for elementor

Sticky Navigation Menu Example 1

Convert your normal Navigation Menu in Sticky Menu. It will also have option to change background colors, Menu color and other options based on sticky state of your menu.
  • Enable "Sticky Menu" option in Navigation Menu Widget

  • Connection with multiple Widgets for Sticky State Color Options

  • Normal & Reverse Sticky method to choose

  • Works in responsive devices & cross browser

Standard Sticky Menu

On Sticky Color change + Connection with offcanvas, Site logo, & Header Extras

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Special Features of Navigation Menu

Best Custom Skin Builder for Elementor

Horizontal & Vertical Menu
You may use the navigation menu multiple ways in direct header or in templates for creative vertical menus. It also have some hover effects included.
Mobile Menu
Packed with lots of responsive options, Mobile menu have various hamburger icon styles, as well as Complete styling and typography options.
Mobile Swiper Menu
You can keep navigation menu as per the standard style and in mobile device it will be like a slider, which you can use by swipe.
Header Search Bar
We have included multiple styles of header search bar to use in main navigation area of your website using header meta info widget.
WooCommerce Mini Cart
You ecommerce feature of website is half done without mini cart in your header, We have included multiple cart styles in our header bundle.
Extra Toggle Bar
Show more information to your visitors by showing your elementor templates in extra toggle bar in navigation area.
Header Music Player
Everyone loves music, Engage your visitors by adding music player in the navigation bar of your site using the plus addons.
Header Logo Widget
Simple yet useful widget for header site logo, In which there is an option to use dual on hover logo, Tooltip, and SVG options.
Most Advanced Mega Menu
This mega menu is created with all advanced options so you can achieve the best possibilities.
No Coding Knowledge Required
It's simple and intuitive, You can start easily and use any elementor widgets to craft your mega menu.
Highly Customisable
It has tons of options to create unique and various designs easily with just few tweaks in options.
Standard & Reverse Sticky Navigation

Powered up with sticky menu options and connection with widgets to have sticky color changes.

Language Switcher for WPML

WPML Language Switcher option added in Header Extras Widget with compatibility.

Language Switcher for Translatepress

Translatepress Language Switcher option added in Header Extras Widget with compatibility.

Main Widgets Used in this demo :
Navigation Menu
Site Logo
Header Extras