As the holiday season approaches, we understand that you may have questions about our exciting Black Friday deals and promotions on our products. This FAQ guide is designed to provide you with clear and concise answers to address any queries you may have.
Is UiChemy a part of the Agency Bundle?
Yes, UiChemy is part of our Agency Bundle.
Although UiChemy is currently in beta and you can use it for free, but once it is out of beta, it will be available with our Agency Bundle for a single user for a two year plan.
For Agency Bundle users, once UiChemy is out of beta, we will reach out to you with the two year coupon.
On this Black Friday, we are offering a lifetime license of UiChemy to a limited number of users. Because later on, it will be converted to a yearly plan.
Is WDesignKit included in the Agency Bundle?
Yes, WDesignKit is part of our Agency Bundle.
Although WDesignKit is currently in beta, and you can use it for free, but once it is out of beta, it will be available with our Agency Bundle for a single user for a two year plan.
For Agency Bundle users, once WDesignKit is out of beta, we will reach out to you with the two year coupon.
Why are UiChemy and WDesignKit only included for two years in the agency plan?
Unlike our other products, both UiChemy and WDesignKit are SASS model products that are server dependent, so for a long term sustainability and future innovation, we are not offering a lifetime license for these two products.
However, both UiChemy and WDesignKit are included in our yearly Agency Bundle plan, but in the lifetime Agency Bundle plan, you’ll get a two year license for both products.
When will UiChemy transition from lifetime access to yearly subscriptions?
We are offering a lifetime license of UiChemy to a limited number of early bird users for a limited time. Those users will have lifetime access to UiChemy Pro.
However, with our lifetime Agency Bundle plan, you’ll get UiChemy Pro for just two years and with our yearly Agency Bundle plan, you’ll get a yearly license for UiChemy Pro.
Will we receive templates from WDesignKit along with widgets with The Plus Addons for Elementor Pro License?
Yes! If you have The Plus Addons for Elementor Pro license, you’ll get access to all the Elementor related pro templates and widgets from WDesignKit.
You just have to activate the required templates and widgets from your WDesignKit account.
Will we receive templates from WDesignKit along with blocks with Nexter Blocks Pro License?
Yes! If you have Nexter Blocks Pro license, you’ll get access to all the Gutenberg related pro templates and blocks from WDesignKit.
You just have to activate the required templates and blocks from your WDesignKit account.
What are the benefits if we have The Plus Addons for Elementor Pro and wish to purchase WDesignKit Pro?
If you buy the WDesignKit Pro license, you’ll get 1000 credits, which will allow you to store more templates, widgets, blocks, and workspace.
Besides this, you’ll get access to all the WDesignKit pro templates, widgets and blocks for both Elementor and Gutenberg.