Modal Popup WordPress Filters
Improve UX by using filters in Modal Popup widget and provide eye catchy look to wordpress filters. Your powerful filter setup will be helpful to achieve extraordinary impression on website visitors.
Use with Modal Popup Builder
Powerful AJAX Based Integration
15+ Powerful Filter Sets
WooCommerce, ACF & Any CPT support
Stylish Wooden Chair
Agate Rose Gold Plate
Black Canvas Shoes
Bottle Grinder Set
15+ AJAX Filter Types
It will cover all your needs and It's based on power of AJAX for performance.
Check What more you can Craft
It have amble possibilities with our most powerful WordPress & WooCommerce Filters.

Horizontal Filters
Setup your woocommerce and wordpress filters in horizontal using plus search filters widget for elementor.

Vertical Filters
Setup your woocommerce and wordpress filters in horizontal using plus search filters widget for elementor.

Inline Filters
You can setup inline filters with few tweaks and custom code to achieve extra ordinary results as shown in demo.

AJAX Search Bar
You can search values and get results instantly using AJAX in same page in dropdown using this widget.
Best Filters for WooCommerce and any WordPress Custom Post Types
We have covered all filters types, all required features to build most advanced websites with filters and many more for your next complex project. Hassle Free Setup and Easy to use are key points.

Works with Any CPTs and WooCommerce
You can use any custom post type with our dynamic listing widget and on top of that you can use it with our product listing widget.
WooCommerce Products Support
Plus Dynamic Listing Widget Support
Plus Product Listing Widget Support
Works with any Custom Post Type
ACF Values Support
WooCommerce Specific Special Filters
We give extra to WooCommerce always as it's highly requested by users. These filters will super charge your WooCommerce Stores.
Deep WooCommerce Integration
Dropdown for On Sale, In Stock and more
Woo Colors Swatches Connection
Woo Buttons Swatches Connection
Woo Rating Filter
Woo Pricing Filter

Last WordPress filter widgets you will ever need
This widgets covers all things which is required to make most advanced and powerful filter system for your WordPress Project.
Semantic URL with Filter Values in URL
Indexer Enable/Disable
Lazy Load/Load More/ Pagination
Unlimited Customisation Options

Special Features
List doesn't end here as we have many more things for you
ACF Integration
Use it with any ACF values and make your filters more detailed and deeply integrated.
Any WordPress Theme
You can use it with any WordPress Theme along with our Listing widgets.
Woo Variation/Swatches
Deeply integrated with WooCommerce and Swatches of The Plus Addons.
Powerful Filters
It's having top filters with indepth connection with all custom post types and WooCommerce.
Easy to Use
One single widget for all above features and which make it super smooth to use and manage.
Stack Repeaters
Our filter options are based on repeater and so you can use any type of filter multiple times.
Indexer Options
Use total values of each taxonomy or tags in the filter to give idea of number to users for UX.
Works with WPML
We support compatibility with WPML and all other translators which supports Elementor.
Blazing Fast
It will give extra push in getting values due to powerful & smart implementation using AJAX.
Dynamic Filters
Connection with ACF and other dynamic values will help to build any advance filters with ease.
Made for Elementor
Design your whole filters part directly in elementor editor without any hassel from WordPress.
More to Come
We will not stop here, Many more features will be available very soon. Stay Tuned.